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- Our Favorites by Joe
- Compositions by Joe Daigle
- Songwriter - Chris Harvey!
- Our Bluesman, Larry Fulcher
- 5th Reunion
- 10th Reunion
- 15th Reunion
- 20th Reunion
- 25th Reunion
- 50th Reunion
- 56th Reunion photos
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- 1966 History/Videos
Santa Ana Valley High School

Class of 1966
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Santa Ana Valley High School

Class of 1966
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Santa Ana Valley High School

Class of 1966
header 3
- In Memory
- Member Chatter
- Our Favorites by Joe
- Compositions by Joe Daigle
- Songwriter - Chris Harvey!
- Our Bluesman, Larry Fulcher
- 5th Reunion
- 10th Reunion
- 15th Reunion
- 20th Reunion
- 25th Reunion
- 50th Reunion
- 56th Reunion photos
- Photos before graduation
- Photos after Graduation
- Missing Classmates
- SA Valley Today!
- Contact Us
- 1966 History/Videos